15 Nov 2015 - 30 Dec 2016 Paris (France)

Instructions to the reviewers

Please rate the paper on the five dimensions as defined on the review form using a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 means "excellent" and 1 means "poor" before rating the paper overall where indicated.
Numerical scores are of little direct value to authors, so please also provide detailed comments to assist the authors in improving the quality of their paper. Please also provide any comments you think may help the Editors in making their final decisions. We remind the reviewers that papers submitted to TAL can undergo a revision process and that it is important to guide the authors through this process.

Please try to avoid saying anything in the comments to the author that assumes your recommendation of acceptance or rejection will be followed, since the final decision depends on other factors, and in particular on the other reviews.
If you should have a conflict of interest, please report it as soon as possible to François Yvon mailto::jean-luc.minel@u-paris10.fr

The policy of the journal is single blind reviewing: we do not reveal the identity of the reviewers to the authors. We require you not to distribute the article and to keep the peer-review process confidential at all times.  Thank  you!

Please fill in your reviews online no later than

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